President-elect Joe Biden: We demand you Cancel ALL Student Debt in your first 100 days.
Joe Biden
A global pandemic and rising internal polarizations call for bold solutions. Right now, families and communities are struggling more than ever. Over half the US population is un- or underemployed, and 30% can’t pay their housing payments. Millions of us are facing eviction and food insecurity, all while suffering from exploding medical costs and the perpetual fear of illness. And even before COVID-19, one million new student debtors were defaulting on their student loans every year. Student loan defaults are hitting women, Black, Indigenous and brown borrowers the hardest.
Joe Biden and his administration need to rise up to meet the moment we are in by committing to #CancelStudentDebt -- all of it.
On the campaign trail Biden promised $10,000 of student debt cancellation for every borrower, and he recently made clear that he supports Congress “immediately” canceling that amount. But $10k is not nearly enough to meet the crisis we’re in. The incoming administration can provide immediate support to 45 million Americans by abolishing ALL $1.7 trillion dollars of student loan debt -- all without raising taxes and using executive authority if need be. Cancelling all student debt would create millions of new jobs, adding billions of dollars to the economy. It would support all families in our communities, including the 60% of people who have student loans that don’t have a college degree to show for it. And it’s the right thing to do as the first step to ensuring a fairer higher education system, including fully funded tuition-free public universities.
Add your name below to demand Joe Biden eliminate ALL student debt in his first 100 days.Sponsored by
Joe Biden
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Dear President-elect Joe Biden,
I am calling on you to eliminate all student loan debt within the first 100 days of your Presidency.
Even before COVID-19, 1 million new student debtors were defaulting every year. Now, millions more families are struggling, and it is essential that you rise to meet this moment. $10,000 of relief is not nearly enough to support our communities and provide the type of stimulus our communities need, especially when you have the power to cancel it all using executive authority.
By eliminating student loan debt, you will not only support 45 million people in our country and our families, you will also create millions of new jobs and add $86-$108 billion to the economy every year for the next decade.
This issue is non-partisan: people from around the country, from all backgrounds and all political parties, support debt elimination. This one simple measure would transform our lives and our country, and we have elected you as President to show the leadership to do it.
Now is the time for measures that truly change our lives and political landscape. Now is the time for you to eliminate all student debt.